Yazhid Blog


Senin, 13 Maret 2017



Display the measurement value and set value and so on
Operation keys
Used for instrument operation
Electrode connector
Connects the temperature connector of the electrode
Temperature connector
Connects the temperature connector of the electrode
Battery cover
Set batteries inside
Electrode hook attachment section
Attach the electrode hook to carry with instrument
Strap attachment section
Attach a strap
Serial connector
Connects the serial cable and printer cable
AC power connector
Connects on optional AC adapter

2.      Display
Two electrodes can be connected to measure two parameters at the same time with this instrument. The display is divided into the main screen  and the sub screen, and you can select the channels displayed on the main screen. The selected channel can be idenfield whith and icon.
Status icon
Display the current operation mode, electrode status or PC connections status, and remaining battery level.
Direction key icon
Display the currently available directions key.
Date and time, setitem display area
Display the current date and times and the set items
ERR No. Icon
Display an error no
Date No. icon
Display the date no.
Measurement parameter display area
Display the current set measurement parameter this is displayed in the main screen and the sub screen , respectively.
Mainscreen channel icon
Display the channel of the main screen.
HOLD icon
Lighs when the ,measured value display is fixed. This is displayed on the main screen and the sub screen , respectively.
SET icon
Lighs when numerical values are entered.
Temperature display area
Display the measured nad the set temperature. This is displayedin the main screenand the sub screen , respectively.
MTC icon
Lighs when the temperature setting is MTC (optional temperature setting).this is displayed in the main screen and the sub screen. Respectively.
Measured value, set item display area
Displaye the measured value  and the set value. This is display in the main screen and tye sub screen, recpectively.
Standar solution calibrate history icon
When calibration Ph satndar solution the corresponding ion lights.
Unit display area
Display the unit for the measurement parameters nad the display item. This is displayed in the main screen in the sub sreen, respectively.

3.      Operation key
MEAS key
Changes the operation mode to the measurement mode during operation in a different mode. The changes you made using the setting mode are reflected when you press this key to return to the measurement mode. In the measurement mode, switches the automatic hold measurement on/off.
CAL key
Changes from the measurement mode to the calibration mode. Start calibration in the calibration mode
DATA key
Changes from the measurement mode to the data mode
SET key
Changes from the measurement mode to the setting mode. Starts repeatability inspection after calibration is complete. Changes from the setting mode to the measurement mode without reflecting changes
Turns ON/OF the power of instrument
MODE key
In the measurement mode, changes measurement parameters
Turns on/off backlight
Determines the selection or setting. Prints data in measurement, the calibration and data mode
UP key
In the measurement mode, switches the display between the main screen and the sub screen
DOWN key
Changes the selected item. Changes the number of the selected digit when entering numbers
LEFT key
Changes the selected item.
Changes the selected digit when entering numbers

4.      Basic operation
*      Changing the operation mode
This instrument the operated by changing the operation mode from four available modes, depending on the pupose of use. The status icon indicates the current mode. You can change the operation mode using the corresponding key, however changing to the calibration, data, or setting mode is available only from the measurement mode. When changing to a different mode, first change to the measurement mode and then change to the desired mode.
Measurement mode
Performs measurement

Performs calibration

Saves data in the internal memory. Display the saved data, the calibration history and the inspection history,

Performs varios setting

*      Switching the displays
You can switch the channel between the main screen and the sub screen. In the measurement mode, pressing the <> keys can switch the channels between the main screen and the sub screen. When performing calibration or setting, switch the display to show the desired channel (measurement parameter) on the main screen.
*      Changing the measurement parameter
This instrument can measure multiple parameters. For measurement, an electrode corresponding to the measurement parameter is required. In the measurement parameter can be changed by pressing the () key. This operation is available for the channel that is shown on the main screen
*      Using the backlight
When it is difficult to see the screen in a dark location, you can turn on the backlight by pressing the * key, if the backlight is not operated for 5 minutes, it automatically turns off. To turn it off manually, press the * key again while the backlight is on.
Note: 1. turning on the backlight consumes energy and shortens battery life. 2. The backlight becomes unavailable when the battery level becomes low.
*      Entering numeric values
When entering numeric values to make various setting and set a calibration value, you can change the selected digit using the <> keys and increment or decrement the value ( 0 to 9 ) using the <> keys.
5.      pH measurement
you can measure the pH of the sample with a pH electrode. Use a combination electrode incorporating a glass electrode and a reference electrode for measurement. A single glass electrode cannot be used with this instrument. pH can be measured using channel 1 of the instrument.
·         Setting the instrument
o   Setting temperature compensation (default: ATC)
Automatic temperature compensation function can be used by using a combination electrode equipped with a temperature sensor or connecting a temperature compensation electrode. By measuring temperature during calibration of the pH standard solution and compensating for the change in pH value of the standard solution due to its temperature changes, you can perform calibration using the value matched to the standar solution temperature (only when the standard solution setting is NIST and USA). However, the function does not convert the pH value accompanying the temperature change differs depending on the sample.
If you do not used the automatic temperature compensation function, match the temperature setting of the instrument to the temperature of the standard solution during calibration and match the sample temperature to the temperature setting of the instrument in measurement. By doing so, you can obtain the correct measurement value without being affected by sensitivity variation caused by temperature.
1.      Press the key to enter the setting mode
2.      Press the keys to selected the “TEMP” ( temperature setting ) and then press the key.
3.      Press the keys to select the “ATC” ( automatic temperature compensation ) or the MTC ( manual temperature compensation ) and then press the key
4.      If you select the MTC enter the temperature to be compensated for and then press the key
5.      Press the key to reflect the change
o   Setting the standard solution used for calibration ( default: NIST)
Set the standard solution used for calibration. With this instrument, you can choose from 3 types, NIST, USA, and CUST ( standard solution other then NIST and USA). Set according to the standard solution to be used.
1.      Press the key to enter the setting mode
2.      Selectect the buffer (pH standard solution settting) and then press the key
3.      Press the keys to select NIST, USA, or CUST according to the standard solution to be used and then press the key
4.      Press the key to reflect the change
·         Performing calibration
Calibration is necessary to measure pH accurately. We recommend performing calibration once a day, before the first measurement. According to the following procedure, perform calibration accurately.
1.      Perform two-point calibration using pH 7 dan pH 4 when you know that the sample is acidic; pH 7 and pH 9 when you know that the sample is alkaline.
2.      Perform three-point calibration using pH4, pH7, and pH 9 when the sample is unknown
3.      You can confirm the current calibration data in the data mode and delete the calibration data in the setting mode. ( refer to “ displaying the latest calibration and inspection data” page 47 “deleting calibration data “ (page).)
·         pH standard solution setting is NIST or USA
this section describes the procedure for two-point calibration of NIST, pH 4 and 7, as a general calibration example.
1.      Press the key to enter the calibration mode
2.      Wash the pH electrode with pure water ( or deionized water ) and wipe it with filter paper or tissue paper.
3.      Open the internal solution filter port of the pH electrode
If calibration is performed with the port closed, the internal solution does not flow and the measurement value is not stabilized, make sure to keep the port open during calibration.
4.      Perform the 1st point calibration. Immerse at least 3 cm from the tip of the pH electrode in the pH 7 standard solution.
In order to flow the internal solution into the standar solution, immerse the liquid junction in the standard solution surely.
5.      Check that the pH value is stable while the pH electrode is immersed in the standard solution, then press the key
Stabilization judgment starts and then HOLD icon blinks, when the value is stabilized, the HOLD icon changes from the blinking state to the lit state and calibration to the standard solution value at the measured temperature is performed. The 1st point calibration ends and the calibration history icon “7” light, indicating that pH 7
6.      Perform the 2nd point calibration. At whith the stepn2., wash the pH electrode and immerse it in the pH 4 standard solution. As with the step 4., immerse at least 3 cm from the of the aP electrode.
7.      Press  key (the measured value display appears).
8.      Chek that the pH is stable while the pH electrode is immersed in the standar solutioan, then press the key.
Satabilization judgement satndar stars and the Hold icon blinks. Whwn the value is stabilized, the HOLD icon chenges from the blinking state ti the lite stite and thye calibration the the standar solition value at the measured temperature is performed. The 2nd point calibration ends the calibration history icon “4” lighs, indicating that pH 4 calibrate is complete.
Two-point calibration is complete.
When calibrate three points or more, use the same procedure to continue calibrating the 3rd and subsequent point calibration. You can calibration up to five points. Also, you can inspect repeatability using the pH standart solition. About the repeatability using the pH 7 standard solition. About the repeatability inspection procedure, refer to “inspecting repeatability” (page 23)
·         You can cancel calibration by pressing the key while the HOLD icon is blinking.
·         The order of calibration of the standard solition is optional. In the above example, you can calibrate pH 4 first and then Ph 7.
·         If calibration if any standard solution is performed again in the calibration mode, only the value of calibrate silotion is update. If you change to the measurement mode and then enter the calibration mode to ferform calibration again, all preivios data is update.
·         Confirming thepH electrode status. After calibtare is complete, the current pH electrode status is diagnosed from the calibrate result. Use this information for maintence of the electrode.
Both, ERR No. are not  displayed
Electrode sensitivity: 93% to 100% good condition.
Electrode sensitivity: 90% to 93% urgent measures are not required but attention is necessary.
Electrode sensitivity: 85% to 90% check the electrode immediately.
ERR No.0004
The asymmetry potential is out of the setting range maintain or replace the electrode.
ERR No.0005
The sensitivity is out of the setting range that allows proper measurement. Maintain or replace the electrode.

  • Inspecting repeatability
You can inspect repeatability using the pH 7 satndard solution by pressing the key on the screen after calibration. Measure the pH 7 standar solution by using the calibrate electrode to display the absolute value of the difference between the meassered value and standard salotion value.
In order to inspect repeatability, you needto peform calibration of the pH standar solution with either “NIST” or “USA” set as the standard solution.
1.      Wash the calibrate pH electrode with pure water (or deinozed water) and wipe it whith filter paper or tissue paper.
2.      Open the internal solution filter port of the pH electrode.
If calibration is performed with the port closed, the internal solution does not flow and the measurement value is not stabilized. Make sure to keep the port open during calibration.
3.      Immerse at least 3 cm from the tip of the pH electrode in the pH 7 standard solution.
If oerder to flow the internal solution into the standard solution, immerse the luquid junction in the standard solution surely.
4.      While the pH electrode is immerse in the standard solution, press the key.
Stabilization judgment starts and the HOLD icon blinks. When the value is tabilized, tye HPLD icon changes from the blinking state to the lit state and the display is fixed to the measured value the stable time.
  • Ph Standard solution setting is CUST
This section describle the procedure for two-point calibration.
1.      Press the key to enter the calibration mode and enter the standard solution value for the 1st point calibration.
Value current measured value is displayed on the sub screen.
2.      Wash the pH electrode with pure water( or deionized water) and wipe it with filter paper or tissue paper.
3.      Open the internal solution filter port of the pH electrode.
if calibrate is performed with the port closed, the internal solution does not flow and the measurement value is not stabilized. Make sure to keep the port open during calibrate.
4.      Perform the 1st point calibration. Immerse at least 3 cm from the tip of the Ph Electrode in standard solution of the value entered in step 1.
In  order to flow the internal solution into the standar solution, immersethe liquid junction in the standard solution surely.
5.      While the pH electrode is immerse in the stanar solution,press the key.
Stabilzation judgment stars and the HOLD icon blinks. When the value is stabilized, the HOLD icon changes from the blinking state to the lite to the lit state and calibration to the set standard solution value is performed, 1st point calibrate ends and the calibration history icon “1” lights, indicating that the point calibrate is complete.
6.      Perform the 2nd point calibration. As with the step 2., wash the pH electrode and immerse it in the 2nd standard solution. As with the step 4., immerse at least 3 cm from the tip if the pH electrode.
7.      Press the key and enter the standard solution value for the second point.
8.      While the pH electrode is immerse the standard in the standard solution, prees the key.
Stabization judgment stars and the hold ICON blinks. When the value is stabilized, the HPLD icon changes from the blinking tate to the lit state and calibrate on the set standar solution value is performed. 2nd point calibration ends and the calibration history icon”2”lights, indicating that the 2nd point calibrate is complete.
-          Two-point calibration is complete.
When calibrating three points or more, use the same procedure to continued calibrating the 3rd and subsequent points sfter the 2nd calibration. You can calibrate up to five points.
Tip: you can cancel calibration by pressing the key while the HOLD icon is blinking.
Note: if calibration of ony standard solution is performed again in the calibration mode, only the value of calibrated solution is updated. If you change to the measurement mode and then enter the calibration mode to perform calibration again, all previous data is update.
  • Performing measurement
You can perform measurement in the measurement mode by immersing the pH electrode in the sample. Also, you can use the automatic hold function to perform stability judgment of the measured value.
1.      Wash the pH electrode with pure water ( or deinozide water ) and wipe it filter paper or tissue paper.
2.      Open the internal solution filter port of the pH electrode
If calibration is performed with the port closed, the internal solution does not flow and the measurement value is not stabilized. Make sure to keep the port open during calibration.
3.      Immerse at least 3 cm from the tip of the pH electrode in the sample solution
In order to flow the internal solution into the sample solution, immerse the liquid junction in the sample solution surely.
4.      While the pH electrode is immersed in the sample solution, press the key.
Stabilization judgment starts and the HOLD icon blinks. When the value is stabilized, the HOLD icon changes from the blinking state to the lit state and the display is fixed to the measured value at the stable time. Press the key againg to release fixing the measured value.
Note: the criteria of stability judgment in the automatic hold measurement are as follows. Potential variation for 10 seconds is less than 1 mV (0,015 pH equivalent ) and temperature variation is less than 2.0 derajat c.
  • mV, ORP measurement
the mV measurement measures the electromotive force between the electrode and the sample by using a pH electrode. The measured value can be used to understand the status of the electrode after using the standard solution.
The ORP measurement measures the ORP ( oxidation-reduction potential ) of the sample by using an ORP electrode.
In the measurement mode, press the key to change the measurement parameter to “mV”.
mV and ORP can be measuremed using channel 1 of the instrument.
  • Setting the instrument
o   Setting the temperature display ( default: ATC )
Automatic temperature measurement function can be used by using combination electrode equipped with a temperature sensor or conneting a temperature compensation electrode. When mV or ORP are measured, the temperature measures the temperature of the sample and display the value on the instrument. If automatic temperature measurement is not used or a temperature set in the instrument is displayed. This cannot be set separately from the automatic temperature compensation setting for pH.
1.      Press the key to enter the setting mode
2.      Press the keys to select the “TEMP” ( temperature setting ) and then press the key
3.      Press the keys to select the “ATC” ( automatic temperature measurement ) or the “MTC” ( manual temperature display ) and then press the key.
4.      If you selected the “MTC”, enter the temperature to be displayed and then press the key.
5.      Press the key to reflect the change.
  • switching between absolut value and relative value
for the mV and ORP measurement, there are two types of modes, the absolute value measurement and the relative measurement and the relative value measurement.
o   Absolute value measurement mode
The measured value of electromotive force is displayed
o   Relative value measurement mode
The measured value of electromotive force of a sample is corrected to 0 mV and set as a relative value. When the electromotive force of another sample is measured, the difference value between the relative value and the measured value is displayed.
The default mode is the absolute value measurement mode. Press the key switches to the relative value measurement mode. Press the key again teturn to the obsolute value measurement mode.
  • Performing measurement you can perform measurement in the measurement mode by immersing the electrode in the sample. Also, you can use the automatic hold function stability judgment of the measured value.
1.      Wash the electrode with pure water ( or deionized water ) and wipe it with filter paper or tissue paper.
2.      Open the internal solution filter port of the electrode.
If calibration is performed with the port closed, the internal solution does not flow and the measurement value is not stabilized. Make sure to keep the port open during calibration.
3.      Immerse at least 3 cm from the tip of the tip of the electrode in the sample solution
In order to flow the internal solution into the sample solution, immerse the liquid junction in the smple solution surely.
4.      While the electrode is immersed in the sample solution, press the key
Stabilization judgment starts and the HOLD icon blink, when the value is stabilized the HOLD icon changes from the blinking state to the lit state and the display is fixed to the measured value at the stable time. Press the key again to release fixing the measured value.
Note:  1. the criteria of stability judgment in the automatic hold measurement are as follows. Potential variation for 10 second is less than 1 mV and temperature variation is less than 2.0◦C.
2. note that when measuring the ORP of a sample solution that has extremely low concentrations of oxidants and reductants ( such as tap water, well water, or water treated with punifying equipment ), there may be less responsiveness and repeatability in general.
3. if alkaline water is left, its ORP value changes considerably. Always measured alkaline ion water promptly.

  • Conductivity measurement
The conductivity cell can be used to measure the conductivity, salinity, TDS, and resistivity of a sample. Salinity, TDS, and resistivity are calculated from the measured value of conductivity
Press the key to select the measurement parameter ( changing the measurement parameter (page 8).
Conductivity can be measured using channel 2 of the instrument. Press the keys to set the main screen to channel 2
The basic steps are the same for all measurement parameters, however, some settings and operations are only valid for specific measurement parameters. Select the setting and perform the steps that show the mark of the parameter you want to measure.
  • Setting the instrument
o   Setting the temperature display (default: ATC)
When a conductivity cell with a temperature sensor is used, or a conductivity cell without a temperature sensor is used with a temperature electrode, the temperature sensor measures the temperature of the sample and displays the result on the instrument. If automatic temperature measurement function is not used, or the temperature connector is not connected to the instrument, the temperature set in the instrument is displayed.
1.      Press the key to enter the setting mode
2.      Select the “TEMP” (temperature setting) and then press the key
3.      Press the <> keys to select the “ATC” ( automatic temperature measurement )
Or the “MTC” ( manual temperature display ) and then press the key
4.      If you select the “MTC”, enter the temperature to be displayed and then press the key
5.      Press the key to reflect the change.

  • Setting the conductivity unit (default: S/cm) (COND) (RESIST)
You can select the conductivity unit from three types, S/cm, S/m, mS/cm FIX (fixed at mS/cm). select the unit depending on your application. When measuring resistivity, these units correspond to Ω.cm, Ω.m (for mS/cm FIX).
1.      Press the key to enter the setting mode
2.      Press the keys to select the “UNIT (COND)” ( conductivity unit setting ) and the press the key.
3.      Press the keys to select the unit and press the key
4.      Press the key to reflect the change.

  • Setting the salinity unit (default: PPT) (SAL)
You can select the salinity unit from PPT or %. Select the unit depending on your application.
1.      Press the key to enter the setting mode
2.      Press the keys to select the “UNIT (SAL)” (salinity unit setting) and then press the key.
3.      Press the keys to select the unit and press the key.
4.      Press the key to reflect the changes.

  • Setting the cell constant (default: 1.000x1.0 cm-1) (ALL)
A cell constant is set for each conductivity cell must be set in the instrument.
1.      Press the key to enter the setting mode
2.      Press the key to select the “CELL”( cell constant setting) and then press the key
3.      Press the keys to select the digit number of the cell constant of the conductivity cell and then press the key.
4.      Press the keys to enter the number of the cell constant of the conductivity cell and then press the key
5.      Press the key to reflect the change

Note: 1. The unit for the cell constant corresponds the unit set in “ setting the conductivity unit (default: S/cm) (page 33)
2. match the unit indicated the conductivity cell to the unit set in the measurement

  • Setting the temperature conversion (default:ON,2.00%/C) “ALL”
The measured value of a sample that is not at 25*C can be converted to a value at 25*C. the temperature charasteristics of the conductivity vary by sample. To use the temperature converiosn function correctly, temperature coefficient (the rate of change per 1 *C of the conditifity) must be set for each sample. The setting of ”setting the temperature display (default: ATC) “(Page 32) is applied to the sample temperature before the conversion. Be sure to set the temperature display setting to automatic temperature measurement (ATC), or enter the sample temperature correctly.
  1. Press the key to enter the setting mode.
  2. Press the keys to select thr “TC” (temperature conversion setting) and them press the key.
  3. Select”ON” to use this function, or selct “OF’ not to use it. And then press the key.
When ON is selected, enter the temperature coefficient and then press the key.
  1. Press the key to reflectthe changes.

Note :
  • The temperature coefficient varies by sample. Before using the temperature conversion function, always check the temperature coefficient of the sample and set it in the instrument.
  • When the temperature conversion function is usedwith automatic temperatre measurement (ATC), deviation may Occur within the accuracy of the temperature sensor. For more accurate measurement, set the temperature setting to manual temperature display(MTC), And mesure using a temperature controlled bath.

  • Performing cinditivity calibration
A varied cell constant is printed on alabel if the conductivity cell. However, the actual cellcinstant may fluctuate depending on the usage circumstances and it is desirable the cell constant in that case. The procedure if cell constant are shown below.

  1. Press the key to enter the calibration mode, and enter the conductivity value of the standard solution at 25*C.
The current measured value is display on the sub screen.
  1. Wash the conductivity cell with pure water (or deionized water) and wipe it with filter paper or tissue paper.
Do not touch the black electrode part.
  1. Immerse the conductivity cell in the standard solution.
Immerse it the standard solution up to the holein the lower part of the cell.
  1. While the conductivity cell is immersed in the standard solution, then press the key.
Stabilization judgment starts and the HOLD icon blinks. When  the value is stabilizated, the HOLD icon changes from the blinking state to the lit state and calibration to the the set standard solution value is performed.
            You can suspendend calibrate by pressing the key while the HOLD icon is Blinking.
The conditivity  value of the standard solution used in the calibrate process is the compensated value into the calibrating by the temperature coefficient 2%/*C from the 25*C value.
From more precise measurement, it is recommended to operate the calibration process at 25*C.

  • Performing salinity calibration SAL
The salinity is calculated from the value of the conductivity, however, one point calibrate can be performed using the standard solution. Calibrate it the temperature indicated on the standard solution.
  1. Press the key to change the measurement parameter to salinity.
Refer to “changing the ,easurement parameter” (Page 8).
  1. Press the key to enter calibrate mode, and enter thye nvalue if the standard sulition to be used for calibrate.
The current measured value is display on the sub screen.
  1. Wash the conductivity cell with pure water (or deinonazed water) and wipe it with filter paper or tissue paper.
Do not touch the black electrode part.
  1. Immerse the conductivity cell in the standard solution.
Immerse in the standard solution up to the hole in the lower part of the cell.
  1. Whilr the conductivity cellis immerse in the standard solituion, press the key.
Stabilization judgment starts and the HOLD icon blinks, when the value is stabilized, the HOLD icon changes from the blinking state to the lit and calibrate to the set standard solution value is performed.
            TIP :
            You can cancel calibrate by preesing the key while the HOLD icon is blinking.

  • Performing measurement ALL
Immerse the conductivity cell in the samplesolution can perform measurement in the measurement mode. Also, you can use the automatic hold to perform stability judgment of the measured value.
  1. Press the key to changes to the measurement parameter to measure.
  2. Wash the conductivity cell with pure water( or deionized water) and wipe it with filter paper or tissue paper.
Do not touch the black electrode part.
  1. Immerse the conductivity cell in the sample solution.
Immerse in the sample solution up to the hole in the lower part of the cell.
  1. While the conductivity cell in the sample solution, press the key.
Stabilization judgment stars and the HOLD icon blinks. When the value is stabilized the HOLD icon changes from the blinking state to the lit state and the dilspaly is fixed to the ,measuered value at the stable time. Pressing the key again realeses fixing the measured value.

            The criteria of stability judgment in the hold measurement are as follows.
Conductivity : display value changes for 10 seconds is less than 3 digit and temperature change is less than 2,0 *C.
Salinity : display value change for 10 seconds is less than 1.0 PPT (0.1%) and temperature change is less than 2.0 *C
TDS ; display value change for 10 seconds is less than 30 mg/L and temperature change is less than 2.0*C.
Resistivity : Display value change for 10 seconds is less than 3 digit and temperature change is less than 2.0*C.

  • Using the automatic data save (default: OFF)
You can automatically save data in the internal memory at the specified interval
While using the function, the automatic power off setting is disabled. If the batteries run out while using the automatic data save function, the data saved until just before the batteries run out. Replace the batteriesand check the data.
1.      Press the key to enter the setting mode
2.      Press the keys to select the AT LOG (automatic data save) and then press the key
3.      Select ON to use this function, or select OFF not to use it. And then press the key.
When ON is selected, enter the period setting of seconds, hours, and minutes, in that order and press the key. The setting range 2 to 24 hours.
4.      Press the key to enter the measurement mode
When this setting is ON AUTO LOG, which indicator
5.      Pressing the key star saving the data (when the setting is “ON”)
Pressing the key again stops the data saving process. During automatic data saveing measurement, data is displayed for one second each time a measurement takes place. When more than 1000 data items are saved, ERR No 0010 is displayed and saving is stopped. When you delete the data, the error is cleared (deleting all saved data)

  • Calibrating temperature sensor
The temperature sensor or temperature compensation electrode in the combination electrode has +_ 1derajat celcius accuracy without calibration. You can use a know temperature solution to calibrate the temperature sensor.
1.      Immerse the electrode into the solution until the temperature sensor is immersed.
2.      Press the key to enterthe setting mode
3.      Press the keys to select the MAINT (maintenance setting) and the press the key.
4.      Press the keys to select the TEMP (temperature calibration setting) and the press the key
5.      Enter the set temperature and press the key
The temperature sensor is calibrated. To return to the setting mode, press the key

When initializing temperature calibration data, all setting need to be initialized. Perform initialization by referring to “resetting to factory default setting”. When initialization is performed, all saved data is deleted. Copy or transfer necessary data to a PC for storage.

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